AIRCreates Presents The Creative Next Door
Holidays seem to prompt an unusual amount of creativity in many of us–decorations, food preparation, costumes, etc. Some holidays demand driving through neighborhoods to view lawn and house decorations that are often the result of one neighbor trying to outdo the other. Whether the scenes are designed by the homeowner or farmed out to professionals, the results often make us smile.
At AIR4arts we wanted to bring attention to Halloween preparations as part of The Creative Next Door. If you enjoy these samples, please submit your own pictures–whether of a neighbor’s house or your own!
About AIRCreates
The mission of AIR4arts is to provide a platform to nurture and celebrate artists and innovative thinkers through educational, inspirational and supportive programs and resources. Help creatives enhance their professional and entrepreneurial skills, allowing them to prosper in their fields.
Recognizing our collective need to be able to encounter and appreciate art and those who create it, the board of AIR4arts has developed a special section on our website called AIRCreates. Here we want to feature the talents of a diverse sampling of creative genius from the Dallas Metroplex and beyond. Whether an exposition of professional artists or the presentation of home-schooled children, we wish to brighten and lighten your day.
Through social media, new posts will be publicized and available on the website. We will have a section of today’s artists and a special greenhouse section for the “up and coming” creatives under the age of 18. We will feature posts from artists who are familiar to AIR. We want you to submit your creations for others to share as well.